
Summer is full of friends
To play with all day
Summer is swimming
And happy blue jays
Summer is sunny
And pretty blue sky
Summer is wonderful
Despite all the flies

Winter; skating on ice
Christmas; presents so nice
Skiing, sledding, snowmen to make
Hot chocolate and cookies to bake


 Autumn leaves are falling
Yellow, orange and brown
Chilly winds are blowing
All the leaves are on the ground
Halloween is splendid
I'm a scary purple ghoul
Think I'll show my pumpkin
To my friends at our school
 Spring is budding leaves and flowers
Babies everywhere
Lots of rain and colors
Families going to the fair
School is almost over and
My work is almost done
Laughing, playing, singing
Summer's almost begun

1. I Love Life 7. Santa Claus
2. Sally Owl 8. I Want to be a Monster When I Grow Up
3. Dragon-Alligator jig-a-jing 9. Seasons
4. Me and My Horse With Wings 10. Kitty Ditty
5. Muddy Mud Puddle Land 11. Rainbow Love
6. Fairy World 12. Joëlle's Lullaby


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